My daughter is on the bed right now, mischievously poking her tongue out between her gums, watching 3rd and Bird...and trying to crawl...doing it backwards :)
We're going to go for a mini photoshoot soon, I've made up a duck hat I'm planning on selling and I also finished a diaper cover/hat set last night that I'd like to post up on facebook and my website. If I end up getting around to it [where does the time go in the day?] I'd like to post up a crochet pattern that I've been working on.
I'm no good at math. Therefore there are probably one and a million problems wrong with the pattern I'm going to upload. No, I'm great at following patterns...but when it comes to writing my own, HA. Guess we'll find out how I do...I'm planning on posting it on crochetville so the experts there can tear it apart, chew it up and spit it out into a spitoon, leaving it there for me to retrieve lol
It's a nice sunny day out, maybe the monkey and I can go for a mini walk!...providing I bundle her up to the hilt...God forbid the monkey get a cold, I've already lost enough sleep as it is. Can I get an amen?
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